Monday, March 06, 2006

Sickening Islington Cartel.

The problem with a left leaning government is that it is so tremendously difficult for anyone in power to be true to the socialist ideology. The Jowell business would be bad if she were a tory cabinet minister, but it would atleast be consistent with a tory worldview. Being married to a lawyer whose job it is to help rich corporations and individuals avoid tax, while working for a government that seeks to stamp out tax avoidance, was always going to be a conflicted existence. That might well explain why she wanted to so little to do with what her husband was up to. In a way I hope the same would be true with K and I if I "came out" as a tory. She would never go canvassing with me , but I don't believe she would leave me and the less we talked about it the more harmonious our relationship could be expected to remain.

That's all very well until you start reading about the dinner parties with Oxford professors where hush-hush deals to sell the Iranians planes are pitched over the After Eights. Then it's harder to believe that they kept their lives separate. They didn't, they obviously networked together and hard.

Am reading Seldon's biography of Blair at the moment. I'm amazed by how unexceptional he was at Oxford. Actually his academic career ends up looking a bit like mine. Reports of him at Oxford speak of someone who was surprisingly "straight" though. So even if he didn't anticipate a career in politics he was for some reason careful not to get bogged down with drinking and taking drugs. Wise chap.

This morning I have an Amex brief today, it's really too dull for words. Every time I try to look at it I start to nod off. Also, I haven't written any successful copy for ages. Max just came in to show me the last piece I wrote for Yahoo! which was obliterated with client comments, it just look like I'd missed the point on a lot of it. When am I going to get back on top of this? More to follow on Blair and God...


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